Keukenhof – The Most Beautiful Spring Garden in The World

I just ended my 12 days of Europe trip. Time indeed fly so quickly when you are having a good time, isnt it?

I can still remember how cold the morning breeze was when i first touched down in Amsterdam. It was about 18 degree in the morning. Not so cold actually, but the strong wind really gave me a chill when i came out from the Schiphol airport.

We immediately hopped on to the tour bus right after we went out from the airport. The tour guide greeted us that morning, and  explained to us where we will be going for the whole 12 days of the trip. i was thinking the first day will be so shagged. The flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam took about 13 hrs,  we did not have any proper sleep on board, and go for the city tour right after we touched down. but maybe we are all excited for the trip, no one was having a jet-lag when we reached. haha

So, our first stop was Keukenhof. It’s one of the world’s largest garden located at Lisse, Netherland. It’s just about 45 mins from the city of Amsterdam, and about 20 minutes from Schiphol airport.

The entrance fee was about EUR 16 for adults, an EUR 8 for kids. This garden have their own opening time, so better check first when you want to go there. But normally, the best season to go there is when spring season is coming (around March – May), because it is the time where most of the flowers bloom!

and what to do over there?

Just enjoy the pretty tulips and other flowers like daffodils, roses and other flowers that i dont even know whats the name is. haha..  Enjoy the lovely scents from each of the flowers, enjoy the fresh air, and of course, take pictures! Pleasee.. you are in the middle of 7 millions pretty flowers, how can you not take pretty pictures with the pretty flowers? haha



SONY DSCTalking about flowers, especially tulips, most of us know that this special flower is from the Netherland. even Trio Kwek-Kwek (Indonesian kids singer) sang about it. But, do you really know where this tulips originally came from?

It’s from Turkey!

i was really shocked when i knew that, it feels like ive been deceived all this while. hahaha. *lebayy**

Story said that this flower’s true origin is from Turkey in Ottoman Empire, and starts spreading to western Europe by 1550ish.

Another fascinating story is, one of Turkish Sultan gave tulips as a gift to Austria kingdom, whom the gardener was from Holland. because the Holland gardener thought tulips are so pretty, so he started to plant the tulips in that kingdom, and brought back so to Holland to be breed. haha. I dont know how true the story is. Please do share with me if you know what the real story is.

okay, enough talking. Please just enjoy the pretty flowersss..










**My mom who can stand the cold breeze, and the daughter who is still freezing even with long sleeve and shawl. haha**

Besides the gardens, they also have some buildings to put some of the rare flowers, and they have some cute photobooth as well..





**my cute aunt and uncle**


**dream room to have all fresh flowers inside my room! hahaha*SONY DSC



Super pretty isnt it?? too bad we only have 1,5 hrs to get around here.. i think we can spend whole day to explore this 32 hectares of garden.

P.S : all pictures are taken with Sony Nex-C3 with no edit! it’s just preetiehh.. haha..

30 thoughts on “Keukenhof – The Most Beautiful Spring Garden in The World

  1. Keukenhof! Seumur-umur di Belanda baru sekali doang kesana! Itu pun di tahun pertama disini, huahahaha 😆 . Tapi memang bagus banget ya tamannya!! 🙂


    • ahahahha.. mungkin because you live there koo.. kalo tourist kyk kita, pasti jadi top of the list.. hehe.. iyaa.. bagus yahh. tahun pertama kesana juga kyk begini yah? apa beda?


  2. aaakkhhh. cakep banget jennnn.. guapun pengen goler2an disana kayanya. gak cukup yah cuma 1.5 jam doank. hehehe..

    nyokap hebat banget, kalo gua kayanya udah hachi2. ahahaha..


    • kok your emoticon very cute sihh.. hahaha. aneh dehh.. i couldnt see your emoticon here.. tapi kalo lewat hp itu emoticon biasa.. kalo lewat email emoticonnya kyk lucu bngt. haha..

      iyaa.. you should go there. somemore your place is considered nearer.. haha


    • Oh ya?? Bnyk juga yah yg dr turki.. Ga nyangkaa. Apa karena dl turki itu kyk ‘central’ nya dunia yah? Hehe. Ga mampir padang lain sih mba. Cuman ada liat bunga2 cantik d samping jalan tol gt.. Hehe


  3. cakepppp poll ya keukenhof ini, salah satu tempat dalam bucket list juga, tapi kurang puas ya jen 1.5 jam aja hahaha kalo me mungkin bakal rela di tinggal tour nya * abis itu terlunta-lunta


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