Medan Trip : Part II (VLOG)

Hey guys, sorry for not posting anything this past two weeks.. Life has been hectically fun this past one month.. Yeay.. Thank God! hehe.. Gonna tell you in separate post, hopefully sometime this week. hehe..

Anyway, after almost a month full of ‘running’ here and there. I fell super sick this past 3 days. Gahhh..  =(.. That’s why it adds up another delay for me to write new post. hukss..

As for now, continuing the previous post about my Medan Trip PART I , here’s the part II people. Went to Samosir Cottage to have some lunch and enjoy the pretty view of Toba Lake. Hope you enjoy my humble VLOG.. hehe..

Kalo suka, Boleh di subscribe dan di like ya kakak.. hehehe. #mintagapapayasesekali.. HAHA

Medan Trip : Part I (VLOG)

I tried to VLOG the whole Medan Trip that i had last week.. (Walaupun semuanya ga ke record sihh.. hehe.. ) I hope you enjoy it yaa..

Daripada pusing nonton video Demo di Jakarta kemarin, mendingan nonton ini aja, siapa tau pusing dan tense-nya hilang dikit gt abis lihat indahnya Danau Toba. hehe..

Jangan lupa subscribe dan like yahh kalo sukaa.. hehehe..

Thank you readers ❤