Who doesn’t know Museum Macan? The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara.

Surely most Jakarta people and art enthusiast know about this New Iconic Art Space. This Museum has been a great platform to showcase National artworks and International artworks like Yayoi Kusama.

I visited Yayoi Kusama’s art exhibition back in National Gallery Singapore, and it was awesome. When i came to know that Jakarta will hold the same exhibition, i was a little skeptical. thinking that it may not be as great as the one in Singapore. But Museum Macan surprised me big time! Lovely minimalist interior with high ceiling, sun rays that penetrates through the glasses makes the space even more beautiful. Kudos to MET Studio Design (London) who turned Museum Macan to be the first modern and  contemporary museum in Jakarta with International Standard.

Fast forward to few months after Yayoi.

I remember it was Friday night, when Ko Samuel from Riviera Jakarta asked me if im available to MC a wedding engagement in Museum Macan around this particular date. I was in shocked and asked him if we can do that in Museum Macan?

Apparently it was the first time for all the vendors too, to be in Museum Macan for work.  I was very excited, cause i love the place, for me Museum Macam have some MET Gala Vibes. Haha.. Ok, i was imaging to far that time since i need to meet the client first, and see if they are good with me.

PS : i normally will set a meeting with all my future clients, just have some chit-chat and let them get to know me better, and vice versa. so they will know if my personality can match their event and expectations.

Right after Ko samuel told me,  i received a message from the client, and we set up the meeting date. The first meeting had to be rescheduled, cause the bride-to-be had some urgent errands to do. and we rescheduled for another date.

I was ready for the meeting the night before, set 2 alarms since we agreed to meet in the morning. But unfortunately, i was late by 45 mins. Cause of the cough and flu that i was having. Luckily the bride-to-be is a very kind person, she said she’ll wait. I came and apologise to her and explained that i was very drowsy because of the medicine. After that We chatted for awhile that day, asked what the engagement event would be like, the guests age group, etc etc. *to think of it again, it wouldnt be the same now, no one would like to see us in the future if we have any cough and flu..

I felt so bad right after she left, and texted ko Sam that i came late and i was in bad shape because of the cough and flu, and it’s oke if the bride-to-be decided to let me go. cause i thought i had a bad first impression. haha.. But thank God, at the end the kind bride-to-be decided to engage me for the event.

Months after that, we got to gather for the technical meeting. We Got the know more of Bianca & Shaun and their family, and noticed that they have a sweet and supporting big  families, and a kind host to every vendors.

Finally, The wedding engagement that we’ve been waiting has arrived. The wedding organizer have to work extra on that day, cause it’s not a normal place to hold a party. They have to be extra careful with all the art pieces and all others things too, like how to handle the kitchen, since the building is not designed for that, and many other things that i’m not quite sure with.

They decor team has set the place beautifully that day and have to be careful with a lot of things too. It was just an exciting moment for all of us i guess. I came 2 hours early prior to the event, and saw the family and friends were practicing for the surprise performance. Like many other events, i cant wait to see the reaction of the bride and groom.

When the event started, i saw how excited their big family are, and how happy Bianca & Shaun are as they marched in, followed by the warm welcome speech of Bianca’s dad and toast for the bride and groom to be. The rest of the night was a night of celebration and a night to remember. A very intimate party where Bianca’s mom and friends contribute lovely songs to the couple, where at the end of the day everyone is singing together in harmony, and everyone seemed to enjoy the celebration.

The father and daughter dance was so touching as well, as i can see some tears fell to the ground, and how romantic the dance between Bianca and Shaun afterward. and, finally my favorite time has come. The surprise for the bride and groom to be! haha

It was a simple surprise, but i can see how genuine the family and the friends are to make that day memorable to Bianca & Shaun. Two of them was smiling ears to ears to for the whole performance and ended the dinner with dancing with the whole family and friends. Indeed such a night to remember ❤

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Venue : @museummacan // Organized by : @rivierajakarta @rivieraeventorganizer
Decoration : @thebloomingbuds// Hand bouquet : @fleuricadesigns
Invitation : @maisonpaperie// Photos : @reynaldotjandra
Videos : @thebroompictures// Wedding Cake : @amecakery// MUA Bride : @tirzavania
Hairdo Bride : @jeffrywellyhair// Wedding Gown : @sebastiangunawanofficial
Souvenir : Entertainment : @kevinwidaya// Catering : @cassiskitchen
Sound system, Lighting, &LED DJ stage : @akusewa// Photobooth :
Usheratte : @stilettopagarayu// MC : @jenita.darmento

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Hello teman-teman, apa kabar? Aku harap kalian dan keluarga dalam keadaan yang sehat yah! Mari kita sama-sama mematuhi peraturan PSBB yang ada, tetap dirumah aja jika tidak ada keperluan mendesak dan jangan lupa sering cuci tangan dan pake masker. Pokoknya kita harus bahu-membahu mematahkan rantai Covid-19 ini. Kenapa?

Karena kasian para tenaga medis kita yang sudah kewalahan,  kasian perekonomian bangsa kita, kasian industri dan teman-teman yang terkena dampak Covid-19, dan kasian kami yang jiwa travel nya sudah meronta-ronta.

Tidak dapat di pungkiri, travelling menjadi salah satu kebutuhan sekunder masyarakat yang harus dipenuhi. Rutinitas sehari-hari membuat pikiran kita penat, dan travelling bisa membantu kita untuk mengistirahatkan pikiran kita sejenak. Pernah dengar dong istilah ‘Work-life balance’? Suatu kondisi dimana kita bisa menyeimbangkan antara pekerjaan, kehidupan keluarga, kehidupan pribadi dan rekreasi.

Banyak riset yang mengatakan bahwa jika ‘Work-Life Balance’ itu benar-benar di jalankan, kehidupan seseorang itu akan lebih produktif, lebih kreatif, dan lebih bahagia. Karena itu rekreasi seperti travelling di butuhkan untuk kesehatan pikiran dan mental kita, apalagi setelah satu dunia di terpa oleh badai pandemi seperti ini.

Banyak orang berpikir rekreasi seperti travelling itu harus jauh dan mahal, harus keluar negri baru merasa pergi travelling. Padahal travelling di dalam negri juga seru loh! Pasti banyak kota atau tempat yang pasti belum pernah kita kunjungi, dan banyak hal dan tradisi yang belum kita ketahui. Bagaimana tidak? Indonesia punya lebih dari 16 ribu pulau dan hampir 100 kota. Gak kebayang butuh waktu berapa lama jika ingin mengelilingi Indonesia saja.

Namun dari banyaknya kota dan pulau di Indonesia, destinasi yang paling aku kangenin adalah Pulau Bali. Pulau Bali ini  menyimpan banyak kenangan buat aku. Inget banget, dulu pas aku masih kecil, aku dan satu keluarga besar road-trip ke Bali. Kami convoy menggunakan 4 mobil dari Jakarta, dan membeli Walkie-Talkie untuk saling berkomunikasi antara 4 mobil tersebut, kata papa sih karena waktu itu pulsa handphone masih mahal dan kena roaming kalau di pakai di luar Jakarta. Wah, saat itu aku merasa keren banget bisa ngobrol lewat walkie-talkie kita road-trip. Rasanya seperti di film-film action yang ada di TV. Hahaha.. Yah, namanya juga anak kecil.

Perjalan road trip kami membutuhkan waktu 4-5 hari. Kami stop dan beristirahat di beberapa kota seperti Semarang, Jogjakarta dan Banyuwangi, hingga akhirnya sampai di pulau Bali. Setelah itu, kami menghabiskan sepekan disana dan mengunjungi semua destinasi wisata yang hits pada jaman tersebut. Seperti main ombak di Pantai Kuta, berenang di Pantai Sanur, melihat matahari terbenam di Tanah Lot, melihat banyaknya kera di Desa Sangeh, dan makan di Hard Rock Cafe dan juga ke tempat lokal lainnya.

Setelah belasan tahun berlalu, Bali pun berubah, banyak destinasi wisata lain yang bermunculan. Seperti cafe-cafe yang instagrammable,  adanya pantai Canggu yang hits untuk para peselancar, banyaknya tempat untuk melakukan yoga atau meditasi di Ubud, dibukanya kawasan baru yang  untuk bermain aktifitas outdoor, dan banyak tempat rekreasi lainnya.

Saat ini Bali menjadi semakin bagus dan wajib untuk di kunjungi. Orang-orangnya juga tergolong ramah, sehingga membuat wisatawan betah untuk berlama-lama berlibur disana. Dan pilihan Hotel di Bali pun juga beragam, bisa di sesuaikan dengan budget dan keinginan teman-teman sekalian.

Seharusnya aku berada di Bali bulan Juni nanti untuk bekerja dan berekreasi. Biasanya aku menyempatkan diri untuk extend di Bali untuk mencoba cafe baru, pergi yoga ke Ubud, atau relaksasi di tempat spa favorit aku. Wahh.. Sungguh menyenangkan setiap kali ada perkerjaan di Bali. Dulu bahkan sekali extend, bisa sampai 3-4 hari. Sampai akhirnya uang yang aku dapatkan dari bekerja di Bali, hampir habis juga untuk akomodasi dan rekreasi yang lainnya. Haha

Tapi setelah itu aku belajar untuk mengatur uang dan waktu lebih baik lagi, dan memilih untuk menginap di Hotel murah di Bali  . Menurut ku, Hotel murah di Bali pun masih bersih tempatnya untuk di tinggali, lokasinya pun masih dekat dari pusat rekreasi. Jadi sisa budget nya bisa di pakai deh untuk makan enak dan relaksasi di Bali. Hehe

Nih, aku tunjukkin ke teman-teman yah, tempat mana aja si di Bali yang paling aku kangenin :

  1. Makan Babi Guling

    Menurut aku, Babi Guling yang paling enak di Bali adalah Babi Guling Pak Malen! Setiap kali mendarat, aku selalu menyempatkan diri kesini untuk makan atau takeaway untuk makan di hotel. Dagingnya tidak bau, krispi dan juga empuk, dan pedas nya pas untuk aku. Harganya pun masih oke di kantong. Namun jika kesini dengan teman-teman, aku sarankan untuk bawa 1 mobil aja, karena area parkirnya agak kecil.

    babi guling pak malen

  2. Cafe Hopping

    Banyak Cafe di Bali yang seru, banyak juga yang meyuguhkan ‘healthy organic food’, namun Cafe Organic ini adalah salah satu favorite ku. Menu nya sangat variatif, makannya pun sehat karena di buat dari bahan-bahan yang organic, penyajiannya sangat menarik, dan rasanya pun enak. Di tambah tempatnya yang nyaman dan instagramable. Gak heran banyak juga loh wisatawan asing yang suka menyantap makan paginya disini juga.

    cafe organic bali

  3. Jalan-jalan di wilayah pedesaan Ubud

    Kangen banget jalan-jalan di sawah seperti ini. Kalau kamu tertarik dengan pemandangan sawah yang membentang dan udara yang segar, kamu boleh banget main ke wilayah Ubud. Tidak hanya indah di mata, namun secara psikologis, melihat penghijauan yang luas mempunyai pengaruh terhadap mood dan pikiran kita yang membuat kita merasa tenang. Di jamin pasti langsung lebih prima deh saat kembali bekerja nanti.

    sawah ubud

  4. Mengambil kelas Yoga di Ubud

    Sebenarnya tidak harus mengambil kelas Yoga di Ubud, banyak kelas-kelas yoga dan kebugaran lainnya yang ada di wilayah kota, namun ntah mengapa, rasanya di Ubud suasana nya lebih mendukung saja untuk berolahraga yoga di ruangan semi terbuka dan menjernihkan pikiran. Banyak Yoga studio yang berada di Ubud, seperti Yoga Barn, Radiantly Alive, atau pun kelas-kelas yang di adakan di beberapa Guest House. Menurutku, kalau kamu yang sering Yoga di Jakarta, kamu harus coba Yoga di Ubud Bali. Perasannya benar-benar beda. Hehe

    yoga di bali

  5. Spa di Bali

    Makan sudah, Jalan-jalan sudah, Olahraga sudah, tinggal terkahir nih, pergi Spa!
    Ya ampun, Spa tuh udah jadi ritual aku banget kalau ke Bali, sebisa mungkin pasti aku akan menyempatkan diri untuk Spa 1 jam. Apalagi setelah lelah bekerja di Bali, dan berdiri terus dengan memakai heels. Rasanya tuh surga banget buat aku. Banyak Spa yang tempatnya bersih dan nyaman di Bali, dari yang harganya terjangkau sampai Spa mewah yang bisa kamu kunjungi juga. Kalau aku selalu suka coba spa di tempat yang berbeda-beda karena ternyata seru mencoba berbagai jenis spa di Bali, berbeda suasana di setiap tempatnya.

spa di bali
Jadi aku disini benar-benar berdoa agar pandemi ini cepat selesai, dan bisa bekerja serta berkunjung kembali ke Bali! Kalau kamu, setelah pandemi Covid-19 ini berkahir mau berkunjung kemana?


MC STORY : The Miracle Wedding of Christian & Vanie

Many people asked me, which one is your most favorite or most memorable wedding reception by far? To be honest, i cant answer one, because each wedding hold their own beautiful story. Apart from the lovely venue and decor, the stunning dresses and the euphoria of the event, for me as a Wedding MC, the story of the bride & groom themselves and the presence of their loved ones are more important to make a wedding day meaningful and memorable.

This time, let me share with you the Miracle Wedding of Christian & Vanie. One of my most memorable wedding as a Wedding MC.

It was a sunny day when i reached Bali in early December 2017. I remember i went straight to the wedding venue for the Technical Meeting right after i landed. Well, usually i don’t normally go for technical meeting in Bali, not because i dont want to, but because the time doesnt really permit and often clash with the flight time. But since the venue was’t really far from the place that i stayed, so i dropped by and joined the Technical Meeting.

*FYI, i will always come for Technical Meeting in Jakarta. If the timing doesnt not match, i will arrange to meet up with the couple and the Wedding Organizer separately. Why? Because i want to know the bride & groom personally, i want to be friends with them and the organizer. So when i MC their event, i can feel that i’m celebrating my friend’s big day too!

Anyway, let’s continue our story. The TM went well, and Vanie (the bride to be) asked me to pray for the weather too. I was like, ‘Chill babe, it’s super sunny, and the organizer said it’s been sunny the whole week’

So i went back to my villa, enjoyed a plate of Nasi Babi Guling and get some rest for the big day tomorrow.

To my surprised, i was awakened by a big thunder. And the first thing came to my mind was, ‘Oh God, please stop the rain for Christian & Vanie’, and i went back to sleep. When i woke up again, it was drizzling, and still drizzling when i have to go to the venue at 2-ish.

The first thing i did when i arrived was to enter Vanie’s room and said hello!

J : Van, you look so stunning!

V : Thank you Jend. How’s outside is it still raining?

J : Yeah, still drizzling, but dont worry, we still have 3 more hours to go!

V : Please help us to pray ya Jend! I even closed my curtain so i wont see the rain. So frustrating =(

J : Do you engage ‘pawang hujan’ / rain handler (someone who could stop the rain) ?

V : We did not. We asked them what do they do in order to stop the rain? The ‘Pawang’ said, we pray.
So, if he can only pray, why do we have to pay more for something that we can do too? 

*i was some moved by their faith btw! not many couple or family will risk their big day.

J : True, we can prayy too! we have Jesus. Let’s pray & cheer up! We still have time..

And i went downstairs to get my make up done.

Almost 2 hours later, the rain still pours, i was still optimistic, but had doubt as well. Since the deco people need to stop and cover all the tables, i was thinking, if the rain stopped on time, will they have enough time to decorate all the tables?

Right after im done with my make up, i went up again. This time i went to visit Christian, and to have my pre-dinner in his villa, since all the food was there. I chatted with Christian & his 3 bestman, they were concerned as well, but still optimistic & hoped for the best too.

Not long after that the photographer came in and did some photoshoot with them, and suddenly the organizer knocked the door and asked Christian to come to prepare for something. I was like, OMG it’s almost holy matrimony time and it’s still drizzling.

When i have that thought. there’s another knocked on the door. It’s the bridesmaids!

One of them said : Hi All, are you guys busy? If not, would you three come with us to pray together? Some of Christian & Vanie’s friends are already downstairs. We will pray for the rain to stop. 

I was like, Awww.. such a sweet friendship. They dont complain about the situation but pray about it. I’m so moved once again. 

and so, The bestman went down, i finished my meals, and fix my cue-cards while waiting for my MC partner to come.. and it was still drizzling.

When i went down, all the families have lined up for the Holy Matrimony procession. I asked the organizer, ‘Can we wait a bit more?’

The organizer said, ‘We cant, we are so late already, The show must go on’

and amazing thing start to happen..

It was still raining when the event started, but when the family walked in and the praise and worship starts, the rain slowly begin to stop.

I finally joined the Holy Matrimony & sit at the back, and it was one the craziest moment of my life. i looked up to the sky, and it’s a BRIGHT sky up there. But when i looked straight far in front, back, left and right, we are surrounded by BIG BLACK CLOUD.

the only bright place is that villa! 

SUMPAH ANEH BANGET! Bentuk villa-nya kotak, dan cuman di kotak persegi itu terangnya!

and so, everyone was happy! The holy matrimony went well, the reception went well too! and another weird thing is happening.

When me and my partner about to close the event, suddenly i felt something dripping on my cue-card. I signal the bride & groom and my partner to wrap up soon right after.

and when we said THANK YOU for the LAST TIME, it started to rain. and five minutes after we ended, the rain started to pour heavily again.

I was like. THIS IS SUPER CRAZY! THE RAIN STOPPED JUST WITHIN THAT TIME-FRAME. If it’s NOT Miracle Wedding, then i dont know what is?

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Wedding Organiser & Decor – ITS TRUE WEDDING // Photography – APEL PHOTOGRAPHYBride’s Dress – LYNPRISMAGARMENT // Groom’s Suit – ASSEMBLE SG // Bride’s MUA – CATLEYA DEA // Wedding Cake – SUGAR LEGACY BALI // Calligraphy – BASANTARA LETTERS 


Random : Mental Health di Kala Pandemi

Halo semua, Apa kabar? aku harap semua dalam keadaan sehat yah..

Gak hanya sehat secara jasmani, tapi juga sehat secara pikiran atau mental. Menurut gw ini sama seriusnya, jangan sampe pandemi ini malah mengganggu mental health kamu


Karena lately kalau lagi chat sama bbrp temen gw , pas tanya apa kabar? some of them ada yg jawab, ‘stress jen di rumah teruss..’

Gw pikir kata2 ‘stress’ yg kluar dari some of them tuh cuman sekedar kata2 aja awalnya.. Like there’s no more words to explain, gak ada kosakata lagi di pikiran mereka, jadi bilang.nya ‘Bisa gilaa!’ atau ‘Stress sihh stay at home’,

Well,  i did say that too a few times karena kadang mulut atau jari berasa enteng aja buat ngomong atau ngetik kayak gt. Namun ternyata bnyk yang beneran Stress guyys! Jadi bnyk yg punya negative thoughts.

Ada yangbusiness nya gak jalan, jadi berasa patah arang. 

Ngerasa jadi failure in life karena semua plannya gak jalan..

Yang dulunya baik2 aja, tiba2 semua perkataannya jadi negative dan nyakitin orang..

Yang married-nya tertunda juga jadi mikir yg aneh2.. apa ini tanda dr  tuhan untuk berpikir kembali?

Terus gw jadi mikir, ya kali semua pasangan yang tertunda karena pandemi haru re-think about that marriage, kan nggak. Kalau mau re-think ya karena character pasangannya, bukan karena pandeminya. Ya gak sih?

Lalu ada yang kena anxiety attack karena lonely, bahkan ada kenalan gw yg sampai ke psikiater, and not only one loh, there’s a few of them. But it’s good. At least mereka tau mereka harus minta pertolongan.

Menurut gw ini jd hal yg harus sangat di perhatikan. Kalau kalian masih ok2 aja saat ini ya Puji Tuhan. Tapi ketahuilah, gak semua orang bisa di sama ratakan kondisinya. Jadi please jangan bilang orng itu lebay bngt sihh, atau cemen bngt sihh. Please.. dont say those words to them.. Karena mereka gak lebay, they really need our supports.

so, in this times of uncertainty,

Yukk kita sama2 jaga mental health kita dan orang-orang terdekat kita..

Gimana caranya?

Gw pun bukan psikiater yg paham betul soal ini, atau orang yang kaya raya yang bisa bagi-bagiin uang ke mereka.

Tapi mungkin kita sebagai temen yang baik, we can show our supports gituhh.

Kalau mereka lagi ada masalah di ekonomi / relationship. Mungkin bisa coba di dengerin aja dulu. Jangan di kata-katai temennya, kyk yg tadi, lebay atau apa gitu. At least we are being supportive with a good listening ear. 

Terus untuk kita yg sudah merasa agak sedikit stress..

For now kita coba yuk replace that thoughts with other things. Karena dikit2 tuh malah jadi numpukk nantii. Walaupun awalnya gpp2, tapi kalau di biarkan nanti beneran stress. So i would encourage us to :

  1. Read your holly book dan berdoa

    I know it sounds so cliche dan sok rohani. Tapi thats the most effective things i guess? karena ive been in hard times too, and prayer tuh works like magic. Doa sama Tuhan biar elo di kasih damai sejahtera dan wisdom and creativity buat tackle ini semua.

  2. Surround yourself with possitive people.

    Elo pasti tau deh, yg mana yg harus di approach buat cerita. Yangg gak cuman kasih elo negative comment dan salahin situasi, tapi bs support elo juga dan kasih helpful advice.

  3. Cari kegiatan lain yg bikin lu happy.

    Bisa masak, bisa nonton, mungkin make up, main sama peliharaan elo, explore hobby baru, dan lain2.. As for me ya gw nonton netflix, coba bikin podcast, coba tanam hydroponic, i even tried painting, padahal sense of art gw jelek banget.. But it turns out not bad and makes me happy.. haha..

  4. Jangan kebanyakan baca berita kalo lu gak kuat.

    Pilih-pilih deh kalau baca berita. Karena media sekarang lagi berusaha untuk dapet exposure juga, mereka pun usaha dengan taruh judul-judul yang bombastis dan mengerikan. So i would suggest to turn off your TV and dont click those news from your Whatsapp group.

    And also, gw juga mau encourage kita jadi wise reader and dont spread fear.
    Jangan cuman baca judul yg bombastis terus langsung di forward. Berbagilah yang positive. Apalagi soal kritisasi pemerintah, bukannya gw sok2 membela pejabat negara nih, tapi gw rasa Pak Jokowi dan team juga lagi berusaha banget kokk.. gw juga yakin mereka juga gak mau kok begini terus.. So, let us support our government too and pray for them biar ada wisdom buat tackle this extraordinary issue.

so yeah, itu aja sihh.. bukan bermaksud menggurui, cuman berbagi aja apa yang ada di hati.. semangat gaiss! stay healthy and stay mentally healthy too! ❤

Public Speaking 101 : Body Language

Hellow Semuanya.. Gimana nih? Masih productive dirumah? haha.. Gak berasa banget udah lebih dari 1 bulan di rumah aja. Tau gak sih? Awal ada himbauan stay at home, gw janji ke diri gw sendiri buat pegang buku mandarin lagi. i say to myself, this is the right timing buat gw belajar mandarin lagi.. and guess what? gw belum pegang buku itu sama sekali mann. ahahha..

emang kurang dedikasi kadang anaknya.. yg ada gw malah bacain majalah lady diana dongg.. dan baru tau ternyata prince charles dulu selingkuh duluan shayy sama mantannya yg skrng jadi istrinya, dan baru tau juga ternyata si prince charles dulu tuh mantan kakaknya si diana juga.. gilee.. drama bngt.. Gw berdoa biar kita di hindarkan yah dr drama2 cinta yg kyk begini.. gak kuat kakak hatinyaa.. haha..

Iya iya, kalo kalian ada yg komen ‘kemana aja sist baru tau drama royal families?’ Hmmpp.. pertama, mungkin dulu gw masih kecil bngt  dan gak ngikutin aja berita royal families pas udah dewasa.. dan kemungkinan ke2, kyknya dulu gw katro ajaa gais.. hahaha..

Anywayy.. Welcome to the third episode of CERITA JENITA !

Gw berharap 2 episode sebelumnya membantu kalian yahh someway somehow di ranah public speaking kaliann..

Dan stelah sharing ttng teknik vokal kmrn, gw mau sharing tentang body language.. Well, i know some of you mikir.. Lahh ini kan podcast, gimana belajar body language nyaa.. kan gak kliatann..

Well, gw pun berpikir yg sama.. Tapi gw akan coba menjabarkan sebaik mungkin, biar elo bisa visualize juga gt.. Kan katanya imaginasi kita tinggi saat membaca atau mendengar.. Nah, kalian bs latih juga nih imaginasi kalian disini.. hehe..

Okehh.. presentasi / ngomong di atas panggung itu gak hanya sekedar jago di kata2 atau verbalnya aja. tapi aspect non verbalnya juga penting untuk menunjang presentasi kamu.. malah kata bbrp research body language itu makes up the 55% of your presentation.. gokil gak? sengaruh itu ternyata body language. 

To listen more, bisa langsung click aja yahh ke spotify di bawah ini =)

Public Speaking 101 : Vocal Techniques

Wahh.. udah bulan kedua social distancing nih.. Berasa juga yahh di rumah aja.. haha.. walaupun tiap hari pasti ada aja sih yg di kerjain.. ya kerjain kerjaan freelance, ya cari ngurusin donasi, olahraga, nonton netflix, zoom meeting sama temen2, coba belajar bikin podcast.. tapi tetep aja jiwa sanguine nya gak bs di pendam gt.. kyk harus ketemu orang.. haha.. rasanya seneng aja gt kalo ktmu manusia lain secara langsung. haha..  ada gak sih yg kayak aku? well, i guess kita memang mahluk social aja yahh yg harus bersosialisasii.. haha..

tapi gpp, semuanya kita kerjakan untuk kebaikan.. Doa gw biar krisis kesehatan ini cepat berlalu yahh.. kalo nggak, gw gak ngemcee2 booo.. hahaha.. Dannn  Gw harap elo dan keluarga sehat selalu.. baik yg masih pergi kerja ataupun yg work from home..

Nah, skrng lanjut ya soal sharing tips2 public speakingnya. Minggu lalu kan gw udah sharing nih gimana sih biar PD, how to build your confidence..

stelah sudah dapetin your confidence, kita ngobrolin soal teknik vokal yukk..

Ada beberapa 4 hal nih yg gw mau share ttng teknik vokal..

Penasaran apa? Yuks, langsung di dengerin aja di spotify akuu.. ❤

Public Speaking 101 : Percaya Diri

Hello semuanya,

How’s social distancing?
Aku harap semuanya dalam keadaan sehat yah! This too shall pass people! Badai pasti berlalu..  Jangan takut yang berlebih, karena itu katanya menurunkan immune system kamuu loh..

Nah, ngomongin soal takut nih? Kamu tuh punya ketakutan gak sih? selain Covid yah.. hehe..

Kmrn aku lg gugle2 ‘What Scares people the most’?

apa sih yg bikin orng takut? Paling takut hantu, takut binatang, taku ketinggian, takut gak behasil dalam hidup, gitu2 gak sih? Eh tenyata, aku nemu hal yg menarik buat aku, yaitu takut sama bnyk orang, alias PUBLIC SPEAKING!

Ya ampunn.. ternyata itu ada di list what scares people the most lohhh.. nama phobia nya adalah GLOS SO PHOBIA (speech anxiety)

Nah kan katanya ketakutan itu harus di hadapi. Jadi hari ini, aku akan share ke kalian caranya menghadapi ketakutan public speaking.

Biasa apa sih yg buat takut?

  • Gak PEDE
  • Gak Tau gimana cara ngomongnya
  • takut di tolak, dan mungkin bnyk alasan yg lainnya.

Jadi disini, aku mau coba share beberapa tips soal public speaking, yg aku dapet dari pengalaman ngemcee aku selama ini.

Tipsnya apa aja sih?

ada beberapa point..

Dan untuk mulai seri pertama kita, aku akan bahasa soal PERCAYA DIRI.. karena apa? karena bnyk yg punya issue dengan self confindence. Nah, kalau kamu sendiri aja gak pede, gimana km mau meyakinkan orang lain dengan message yg kamu mau sampaikan?

Aku sudah rangkum nih beberapa point tentang Self Confidence / Kepercayaan Diri di Podcast aku. Curious to know more? Langsung play aja yah, ada di Spotify dan di Apple Podcast juga..

Jangan lupa Follow dan share link nya juga yah, siapa tau ada yg membutuhkan bisa bisa membantu mereka someway somehow dalam membentuk kepercayaan diri mereka.

Happy Listening guys ❤



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Seperti yang kita ketahui, virus COVID19 merebak cepat di dunia, sampai beberapa negara harus memutuskan untuk lockdown – suatu keadaan emergency dimana kita lebih aman untuk berdiam di dalam rumah, atau berdiam di satu area saja. Basically people are not allowed to move freely for safety reason, because it might threaten other people’s lives.

Inget banget January kemarin, aku masih bisa travel, dan masih berpikir ‘Ahh, kayaknya Virus ini akan cepat berlalu.. Dulu-dulu juga Indo aman-aman aja atau gak sampe gimana banget dari Virus.’ Memang manusia yah, kadang suka menganggap enteng sesuatu yang dia tidak paham betul.

Fast Forward ke dua bulan mendatang. Sekarang Negara China, Korea Selatan, Italia, Denmark, Spanyol, Irlandia dan bahkan Malaysia, sedang menerapkan sistem Lockdown, as an act to stop the spreading of COVID19. Nah, sekarang aku mau bahas soal Singapore, negara yang cukup dekat di hati aku. Kenapa? Yah kebetulan aku pernah tinggal lama disana, dan masih sering ada keperluan disana. Singapore tidak me lockdown diri, tapi meningkatkan precaution mereka yg mnurut aku jadi sangat ketat..

Cukup panik awalnya ketika Singapore mengeluarkan pengumuman ini. Kenapa panik? Karena seharusnya aku pergi kesana bulan depan untuk MC gig aku. Kalau client kekeuh untuk acaranya tetap berjalan di hari yang sudah di tentukan. Aku pun akan sebisa mungkin comply to their request. Jadi mulai deh tanya sana-sini gimana caranya buat masuk Singapore? Kalau sudah isi requisite health information, masih tetap harus menjalani 14-day-stay-at-home? Soalnya kan aneh juga.. Misalnya cuman mau ke Singapore 3 hari aja, tapi harus stay at home 14 hari dulu.. Hmmpp.. Kalau orang-orang yang stay di hotel, boncos bngt gak sih? Dan yg mau kasih kita makan siapa kalau kita tinggal sendirian disana? *misalnya kita masih tinggal disana sebagai pelajar atau pekerja, tapi tinggalnya sendirian..

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-15 at 5.33.07 PM

Ya, kebetulan kemarin dapet kabar kalau client aku yg di singapore akan postponed acaranya ke tahun depan, karena COVID19 dan karena banyak sanak saudara yang dari mana-mana juga. Jadi sudah gak perlu bingung lagi gimana ke Singapore nya.

Tapi karena aku sudah mencari tau, dan di kasih tau juga sama beberapa temen disana. Aku share aja yah disini.. Siapa tau ada temen-temen yg tetep butuh ke singapore, seperti oma perlu bantu mewarat cucu yang baru lahir (biasa disana kan gak ada mbak soalnya) atau butuh ke singapore karena urusan pribadi yang harus di selesaikan segera.

Jadi, terhitung tangal 16 Maret 2020 (Hari Senin Kemarin), semua pendatang / tourist harus mengisi HEALTH INFORMATION dari SINGAPORE’S MINISTRY OF HEALTH.


Nah, mereka akan cek health information kamu..

  • Masa approval 14-21 hari, dan ada kemungkinan kamu tidak di approve juga. Jadi seandainya kamu perlu banget ke Singapore, aku saranin isi dulu, baru beli tiket pesawatnya setelah di approve.
  • Lalu, pastikan kamu ada tempat dimana kamu bisa 14 day stay at home.
  • Surat approval akan di kirimkan ke email yg tertera di form, jadi jangan sampe salah ya tulis emailnya.
  • Jika kamu pergi berdua, berarti harus submit 2x yah formnya. Semuanya individual dan gak bisa di gabung
  • Setelah di approve, tolong di print dan di bawa saat kamu berada di immigrasi Singapore.
  • Kalau kamu tiba2 ada medical condition yang baru, kamu harus isi ulang form tersebut. Dan waktunya akan di reset lagi. jadi kamu harus nunggu 14 hari lagi untuk approval =(
  • Dan sesudah di approve, kamu harus ke Singapore within 14 days after approval. karena kalau lebih dr itu, health information kamu sudah gak valid lagi di mata mereka.

Menurut aku sih, Singapore sih kyk declaring travel ban yah terhadap Negara ASEAN dan beberapa negara lainnya, tapi yah secara halus aja.. haha.. But yeah i always admire Singapore on how they protect their city-state. Beneran jor-jor-an gituh.

Hopefully this post will somehow help you, and please PRAY so this COVID19 will go away soon, and we can travel freely again. Dan tentunya biar semua yang sakit bisa cepat sembuh, dan perekonomian dunia ini cepat sembuh juga yahh.







Serunya Snow Mobile di Finland

Ya ampun, gak berasa udah 2020 aja! Maaf banget baru sempet ngucapin SELAMAT TAHUN BARU di BLOG ini.. hehe.. Aku berdoa biar kita semua bisa makin sukses, lebih berani mengambil keputusan, lebih berpri kemanusiaan, dan tentunya bahagia selalu di tahun 2020 ini.. AMINNN! hehe..

Jadi di blog ini aku mau cerita soal family trip aku ke FINLAND bulan December -January 2020 kemarin. Banyak banget yang tanyain aku, ‘Kamu pergi sendiri apa pake Tour?’

Jawabannya adalah, aku pakai TOUR gais.. karena gimana yah, kalau pergi sama orangtua aku tuh gak bisa kalau gak pake tour.. Mungkin karena masalah kebiasaan, dan maunya beres gak pake nyasar2.. jadilah kita selalu pake tour kalau lagi family trip.. Tapi setelah menjalani 12 hari perjalanan, kayaknya aku cukup setuju untuk pakai tour operator kalau mau ke Finland. Kenapa?

Alasan Pertama adalah daytime nya di Musim dingin hanya sebentar teman-teman.. Well, kalau kamu cuman main ke Helsinki aja, itu possible banget buat roam around sendiri. Tapi kalau kamu mau ke Rovaniemi untuk lihat aurora, main dog-sled dan snow mobile. Aku rasa ada bijaknya kamu pakai tour operator. Unless you have that super adventurous soul who doesnt mind to get lost in the dark. As for me, i dont think i dare to do that yet here in Finland. hehe..  karena winter time disana, bisa cuman terang selama 2 jam aja.. aku sih beneran takut nyasar yah.. walaupun ada GPS.. haha..

Alasan Kedua, karena salju nya tebel bngt di jalanan. Kalau pake supir lokal, mereka kan sudah familiar yah sama jalanannya, jadi mereka tau yang mana jalanan, yang mana yang bukan.. haha.. Okay, this may sound ridiculous, tapi hutan mereka tuh cukup luas.. Kalau aku orang awam, agak bingung ini masih di jalan besar, apa udah Hutan.. haha.. Beneran deh gak bohong.. soalnya kan hujan salju terus hampir setiap hari.. jadi kalau gak banyak mobil yang lewat, jalur mobilnya cepet bngt ketutup salju.. Well probably it’s just me, but that’s what i feel.

Alasan Ketiga, aku tuh jarang liat pomp bensin.. haha.. Sungguh, di New Zealand aja menurut aku udah agak jarang-jarang.. di Finland agak lebih jarang lagi..

Jadi ketiga alasan di atas, bisa jadi consideration kamu buat yang mau pergi sendiri.. bukannya nakut2in ya, cuman berbagi cerita aja. Walaupun pas disana ketemu tante-tante indo yang tinggal di German nyetir sendiri juga muter2 Rovaniemi nya.. Hebat sih mereka. katanya udah biasa road trip gt.. hehe..

Oke, let get straight to the main story! The SNOW MOBILE! Ini snow mobile nya lagi di parkir rapih..

Beneran deh, main Snow Mobile di Finland ini adalah aktifitas yang kalian gak bisa lewatin. karena super duper seru! Dan, Aku bersyukur banget sama Tuhan, karena main ini pas lagi cerah. Gak kebayang deh main ini gelap2 di tengah hutan plus hujan salju. Udah beku makin beku.. haha

Jadi tour operator yang kita pakai adalah Lapland Safaris, nampaknya doi ada dimana-mana. Kita ambil paket yang 2 hrs of Snow Mobile. Pertama kali mikirnya, gila, 2 jam kena angin sihh kelar juga yah. ternyata kurangg! Super seruu! hehe..

Menurut aku, Lapland Safaris ini sangat professional di bidangnya yah, mereka make sure atribut kita lengkap untuk main Snow Mobile di Finland. Dari Baju, Sepatu, Sarung Tangan, Helm, sampe Balaclava (penutup muka untuk winter) pun dia ada. Aku pikir Balaclava tuh kyk buat nutupin rambut kita aja dari Helm bau, semacam showercap yang di kasih abang Ojek.. haha. Baru tau ternyata ada penutup muka kayak ninja gt, biar muka kita gak sakit kalau keterpa angin.. hehe Lapland Safari juga siapin semua asuransi dll sebelum kita main Snow Mobile di Finland.

Yang pasti untuk main Snow Mobile di Finland itu harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas, dan punya driving license. Cuman itu aja and you good to go. Karena disana akan di ajarin lagi detailnya, gimana cara mengedarai snow mobile plus semua hand signals and all  safety precaution that we should retain. Kalau kata yang suka roadtrip pake motor, hand signalsnya mirip2.. seperti angkat tangan kiri kyk mau toss kalau mau berhenti, kepal tangan kiri dan gerakan ke atas ke bawah kalau mau jalan, dan sebagainya.

Kita harus perhatiin hand signal guide kita dengan baik, karena kita melewati jalur mobil dan bus juga.. jadi you have to know when to stop and continue, and never overtake the others, karena itu bahaya kalau lagi convoy.

And, let the adentures begin!! I guess i will let the pictures tell the stories ♥️

Baru pertama kali aku liat salju yang gak ada habisnya gini, udara yang super seger seiring snow mobile kita melaju, Pohon-pohon yang tinggi yang di selimuti salju,  bener-bener berasa masuk ke film Narnia atau James Bond. haha.. Apalagi pas kita istirahat, guide nya bilang, kalau 50 KM dari sana sudah dataran Russia. ‘You can trespass to Russia if you want’ HAHA.. Candaan si tour guide langsung bikin berkhayal deh, tiba-tiba berasa jadi crew nya James Bond mau stop-in musuh nya yang Russian, dan kebut2an pake snow mobile. haha..

Waktu kita main Snow Mobile di Finland, tepatnya di Rovaniemi, suhu nya kurang lebih -20. Jadi walaupun kita sudah di kasih jaket sama Lapland Safaris yang tahan angin. Kamu harus siap-siap juga yahh.. Aku sih kemarin pakai Heattech yang katanya bisa tahan sampai -30, terus pakai satu sweater tebel dan winter pants. Nah, untuk badan sebenarnya lumayan aman. Tapi untuk tangan dan kaki, ternyata gloves dan kaus kaki yang dia kasih agak kurang menurut aku (mungkin cukup hangat untuk bule-bule itu. haha).

Jadi pas main Snow Mobile di Finland, duh tangan sama kaki aku sampe gemeteran.. dan harus tetep fokus setir snow mobile nya.. Jadi saran aku adalah, please banget siapin your own gloves and winter socks sendiri pas main snow mobile. you know your own body deh pokoknya.. aku sih tiap hari kayak buntelan ya disana..

Oh iya, kalau ada yg wondering kenapa kualitas foto aku beda-beda, itu karena handphone aku matii shayyy..

Apparently Iphone 8 plus aku will die automatically when the battery is below 50%.. kayaknya sih kedinginan yah di HP.. jadi dari 50%, tau-tau drop ke 40% dengan cepat, dan gak lama lngsung ke 1% dan babhayyy..

Jadi.. either kamu bawa powerbank, tapi rada ribet pas lg main snow mobile.. atau keep it warm dulu sebelum di pake, jadi taruh di kantong celana dulu sebelum di pake foto2. Hehe. Namun katanya handphone Xiao Mi bisa tahan dingin gais.. karena my brother using Mi phone dan dia punya batre.nya gak cepet drop kyk iPhone sama Samsung.. haha

Well, segini dulu gais ceritanya. Hope you enjoyed my story..

PS : Kalau mau lihat IG story SNOW MOBILE di FINLAND, langsung head to my Instagram yah.. IG @jenita.darmento, ada di highlight.. ♥️




What to eat in #Perth

Hello Everyone! I know i have shared this on my Instagram account weeks ago. But i guess it wouldn’t hurt if i share these as one of my blogpost too! haha.. So today, i’m gonna share with you on what to eat in Perth!

Apparently this quiet town have a lot good food to offer. My friend said the trend has been changing quite tremendously.  Ten years ago, most people will dine in their own house for dinner and most shops are already closed by 5pm. But today, you have vast varieties of food to choose from from breakfast to supper.

Too bad we only have 3,5 days to spent in this capital of Western Australia. So, here’s are my list to eat when you are in Perth! 


This Italian Restaurant has been famous since i dont know when. All my Perth Friends has this Ciao Italia at their top list when it comes to what to eat in Perth. Since they talked about it many times, so we made Ciao Italia as our first stop in Perth.

Ciao Italia has their flagship restaurant at South Perth area that does not accept reservations, but bookings could be made at the newer location in Nedlands. More over the one at South Perth is a little inconvenient if you’re bringing babies. Since my friend brought baby along with the stroller, they said it is more convenient to go to Ciao Italia in Nedlands instead. So we as tourist just follow the locals lead.

And it is indeed the best Italian i’ve had (outside the one in Italia itself of course). As i mentioned on my IG story, everything is literally nice over here.. and everything are meant to be shared, at least for us Asian. haha..

Take Ciao Italia Fettucine for example. It is super nice and  huge and so creamy. I myself cant finished this alone. I love the al dente texture, not soft yet not so hard. it is just perfect. Ciao Italia Fettucine has the combination of marinated tender chicken strips, mushrooms, sundried tomatoes and spring onions, fresh diced tomatoes in a creamy white sauce.

Another two that we ordered as our main dish were wood fired Porcini Pizza and Calamari ala Griglia. Goshhh, im not sure if i were too hungry or everything is just nice here. Ciao Italia Porcini Pizza has generous ammount of prosciutto (Italian dry cured ham), porcini mushroom and a large ammount of mozarella and ricotta cheese.. Ahh, major love for this thin pizza.

The Calamari ala Griglia doesn’t smell fishy as well, which mean they are using fresh seafood. Well, i am quite sensitive towards seafood and had allergies before. But this one feels so fresh and tender. They only grilled it lightly and tossed some lemon juice on top with fresh salad at the side.. *kurang cabe botol aja sih kata aku. ahhaha.. so indo yahh..

And below, as stated! Hands down the best Tiramisu ever! I’ve tried many tiramisu, the one at Da Paolo Singapore that everyone is talking about as well. but this one is super good! Now i know why Ciao Italia is on everyone’s list! You really need to head to Ciao Italia when you’re in Perth! ❤


Ciao Italia
Address: 39/88 Broadway, Nedlands (Corner of Caporn Street)
Phone:  9389 6689
Trading Hours: Tuesday to Saturday – 5:00pm to 9:30pm



Who’s up for fish and chips by the bay?? Some review said Kaili’s is better, some said Cicerello’s is nicer. Since google review for Kaili’s is higher, we decided to go there. *anak review emang. haha.. It turns out to be a good meal experience for me. All the fried ones definitely a good one. More over when you dip it to their tar tar sauce.

Apparently their mussels are nice too! I’m surprised i can eat mussels. haha.. Cause i had bad experience with mussels and oysters and clams. so i’ve been very picky. But since it’s Freemantle, i guess i have to try, at least one..  and it turns out to be a good one, and i had more than 3 mussels. haha..

Kailis’s Fish Market

Address : 46 Mews Rd, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia

Phone+61 8 9335 7755

Trading hours : closes at 8pm 


3. Viet Hoa

If you’re looking for something soupy in the middle of rainy Perth. I would like to recommend this humble Vietnamese restaurant. They served a good bowl of Phe (Vietnamese noodle) and tasty tender pork chop. Quite feels like a homemade meal with their homey taste.

I guess all food in Australia is served in a generous ammount. So, if you cant eat much like me. It is better to order one first, then decide whether or not to order another portion.

Viet Hoa

Address1/349 William St, Northbridge WA 6003, Australia

Phone+61 8 9328 2127

Opening Hours : 10am – 10pm


4. Good Fortune Roast Duck House

I am not a big fan of duck. But this one Chinese restaurant is quite popular amongst Asian in Perth. So we decided to give it a try.

We ordered a plate of roast duck, roast pork and BBQ pork along with stir fry long bean and spicy salt and pepper pork ribs.

All are good for me. The least tasty was the duck, since im not a duck person. But me and my friends love their roast pork. Crunchy and tender at the same time. And ohh the fats! Hahaha love the fats. Another homey meal when you are craving for Asian food. As for me, the best Asian food is still Angke Restaurant in Jakarta and Taste Paradise in Singapore.

Good Fortune Roast Duck House 

Address354 William St, Perth WA 6000, Australia

Phone+61 8 9228 3293

Opening Hours : 10 AM – 10 PM


5. Chocolateria San Churro

I’m always up for churro! Maybe because it’s hard to find a good churros, so im down to try any Churros anywhere.

And apparently this lovely Perth has a wonderful Churros place. It is a little pricy for this one plate of Churros and dips though. But yeah, i guess once in a while won’t hurt. Moreover most meal in Australia is considered pricy.

Their have four dips for us to choose. Golden dips, dark chocolate dips, milk chocolate dips and strawberry dips. Apparently the golden dips has a strong caramel taste. Some love it, but some still prefer the dark chocolate better. The milk chocolate dips is everyone’s favorite, and strawberry dips is the least favorite, eventho I thought it’s not bad. Haha

Well, it’s a must visit when you’re in Perth. It’s a chain dessert place, so you can find it in many place. But we went the one at … cause it’s just right in one lane with Good Fortune Roast Duck restaurant.

Chocolateria San Churro


6. V Burger

If you love trying out gourmet burgers. V burger is a must try in Perth. They have a wide range of burgers, from the classic ones to unique ones.

We tried three burgers and a lot of side dishes. If you’re a chicken person, you have to try their Chicken Kamikaze. It’s like the gourmet version of McD McSpicy burger. They add soy mirin glaze, fried onion, lettuce, tomato, house aioli & wasabi mayo for the sauce

We love their Madame Truffle. Tender Beef Patty, Grilled Onion, tasty Truffle Aioli, Triple Cheeses and Grilled Mushrooms with extra Bacon! The truffle aioli is the bomb! If you love truffle, this is the perfect burger for you.

Tried out their Sir Bacon too. Which consist of Grilled beef patty, bacon, tomato, lettuce, pickles, onion, cheese, mustard & house burger sauce. For me, it’s a normal beef burger tho. The other 2 is more delicious for me.. hehe

Dont forget to try out their Halloumi bites! I love this fried cheese bites too. Haha. As for other side dishes. It’s normal good for me. But worth the try

V Burger

Elizabeth Quay

Address: Elizabeth Quay Station Park

Next to BHP Billiton Water Park

Phone: (08) 9225 6448

Opening Hours:

Sunday-Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm

Friday-Saturday: 8:00am-8:00pm